2 channel, independent random playback audio installation – 2021
‘Kad es saku tavu vārdu, es tevi atceros/ When I speak your name, I remember you’ was made in memory of the 603 people from the Cēsis town and former Cēsis Distric who died in deportation and resistance during Soviet and Nazi occupations, particularly from 1941 to 1957. The spoken names of 603 victims are broadcast randomly over two speakers in the outdoor courtyard. Around 150-200 local people made recording of the names during October 2019 in order for this work to be realised. This including Cēsis youth council, schools, choir, military students, general public and relatives of those who died during the deportations of 1941 and 1949. The work has been made in conjunction with Sirdsapziņas ugunskurs/Burning Conscience, Rucka Artists Residency and with the support of Culture Ireland.